Sound healing with Crystal singing bowls is one of the sacred sound healing systems that date back to the ancient times of Atlantis when crystals were played using psionic energy channelled through the intent of the Healer Priests and Priestesses.
First brought to humanity by the Angels this system was known to have profound effects upon the mental, emotional, energetic and physiological being, enabling blockages on all levels to be cleared and shifted as well as being a vehicle through which Ascension Codes could be channelled directly into the holistic being.
Rosemary brings forward into this lifetime as part of her soul inheritance a remembrance of how to play the Crystal Singing Bowls in this way, allowing herself to be overshadowed by the Archangels of Sacred Sound and her playing and voice used to transmit powerful cleansing and Ascension energies directly into the crystal skeletal structure and energy bodies of those listening.
This is a truly profound experience, heavenly enchanting, haunting and powerfully healing.
Each person receives uniquely what they need at the given time, the effects ranging from powerful awakening to deep healing, intense meditative relaxation and past life recall.
Rosemary is available for group or personal healing sessions, to book or find out more, please contact her on 07775 854640 or go to her website at